당사는 습식 주조 방식으로 타일을 제조 및 판매하는 회사입니다.
캐스트 몰딩은 석고 금형에 원료를 채워 성형하는 공정입니다.
이 공정은 시간과 노력이 필요하지만 당사는 공간 형태와 같이 타사에서 만들기 어려운 제품을 능숙하게 만들 수 있습니다.
당사는 또한 캐스트 몰딩에 사용되는 금형을 사내에서 제조하기 때문에 다품종 소량 생산도 가능합니다.
또 다른 주요 특징으로서 타일 산업에서는 종종 산화 소성을 사용하는 반면 당사는 환원 소성을 사용합니다.
당사는 고대 일본의 전통 유약을 사용하여 도자기와 같은 분위기를 내는 색상이나 색상 범위가 고르지 않은 제품을 만듭니다.
당사의 목표는 타사와는 다른 독특한 텍스처와 특성을 가진 타일을 고객에게 제공하는 것입니다.
500×30mm border
290×290×15mm non-glazed ceramic plate.
It is a floor tile that features a large uneven burning, characteristic of reduction firing and solid color tone due to a special firing method. |
Three shapes : 200×60mm brick , 200×25mm border and 95×95mm sauqre.
In order to have variations, we make each one a different look. It is non-glazed wall tile. |
Indoor glazed tile of 500×30mm.
This shape is difficult to make with other companies and we uses traditional Japanese glaze. So, you can enjoy it as an interior decoration. |
200×25mm non-glazed border tile.
This tile has a slitly wavy surface and a shadow appears dependiong on how the light hits. This gives it a presence. |
Three shapes : 500×400mm, 250×400mm(half mass) and 500×92mm(border).
Thick, non-glazed tile suitable for exterior. This tile has a wide range of color unevenness and color width and has various atomospheres. |
290×290mm glazed tile with special surface. Suitable for exterior and interior floors.
Since it is made by hand, the surface is very soft. You can touch it with bare foot. |
290×290×15mm non-glazed ceramic plate.
It is a floor tile that features a large uneven burning, characteristic of reduction firing and solid color tone due to a special firing method. |
Three shapes : 200×60mm brick , 200×25mm border and 95×95mm sauqre.
In order to have variations, we make each one a different look. It is non-glazed wall tile. |
500×30mm border
Indoor glazed tile of 500×30mm.
This shape is difficult to make with other companies and we uses traditional Japanese glaze. So, you can enjoy it as an interior decoration. |
200×25mm non-glazed border tile.
This tile has a slitly wavy surface and a shadow appears dependiong on how the light hits. This gives it a presence. |
Three shapes : 500×400mm, 250×400mm(half mass) and 500×92mm(border).
Thick, non-glazed tile suitable for exterior. This tile has a wide range of color unevenness and color width and has various atomospheres. |
290×290mm glazed tile with special surface. Suitable for exterior and interior floors.
Since it is made by hand, the surface is very soft. You can touch it with bare foot. |